How do you best socialise your plans? What is the most suitable type of exercise? Need to build confidence in your system?
Discussion Exercises
Facilitator led discussion using one or more scenarios.
Unconstrained by real-time portrayal of events.
Facilitator will introduce problems of developing complexity to teams or syndicates for discussion and consideration of different functional requirements.
Useful tool to provide initial socialisation of plans and procedures.
Time effective and efficient.
Can be directed at a wider range of personnel.
Can be more free flowing, informal and exploratory than other exercise types.
Useful as a prelude to a single-level or multi-level functional exercise.
Single/Multi layer interactive exercises
Exercises will normally take place in an operational environment and require participants to actually perform the functions of their roles.
They are designed to test or practise a particular functional team, or teams, using real facilities.
Functional responses are conducted as if a real event were happening outside and exercises are normally run in real time and may include a live drill.
Scenario information is fed to participants through Role-Players in a manner similar to the way they would receive it ‘in the real world’, be that via phone or email.
The Role-Players operate as Exercise Control under an Exercise Controller who will monitor input of scenario information in accordance with a master scenario timeline.
The tempo of the exercise can be increased or decreased by regulating the flow of exercise inputs.
Interactive exercises are useful to: Practise, develop or assess decision making skills in a team and to assess the interaction of different functions and teams